Attijari Sécurité

Attijari Sécurité's objective is to outperform the Moroccan bond market in the medium term, represented by the MBI MT index.

ISIN Code Classification Benchmark index
MA0000040263 Medium-Long Term fixed income 100% MBI MT
NAV Calculation frequency Recommended investment period
Daily Over 2 years

For who ?

For investors looking for capital growth in the medium term, in return for a limited risk.

Why ?

A privileged access to the Moroccan bond market, for investors forced to invest exclusively in securities issued or guaranteed by the State.

A rigorous portfolio management process backed by the recognized financial, technical and economic expertise of Wafa Gestion.

How does it work ?

Wafa Gestion analyzes the macroeconomic environment and the evolution of the various indicators of the bond market.

Wafa Gestion selects from the securities issued and / or guaranteed by the Moroccan State those showing the best fundamentals.

% 0

YTD performance


Millions of dirhams in assets under management


YTD performance

Return and Risk profile

A numerical scale, graduated from 1 for the lowest risk, to 7 for the highest risk, with the understanding that the lowest risk category (level 1) does not mean "no risk".

Documents à télécharger

Attijari Security Data Sheet