Cap Monétaire Première

Cap Monétaire Première invests in short-term instruments with the objective of outperforming the money market on a monthly basis.

ISIN Code Classification Benchmark index
MA0000040271 Money Market 100% TMP
NAV Calculation frequency Recommended investment period
Daily Over 1 Month

For who ?

For companies looking for a liquid solution to dynamize their available cash on a monthly basis, while enjoying permanent liquidity.

Why ?

An investment solution for efficient cash management.

An optimized access to the liquidity and yield offered by the money market, with an emphasis on the instruments' quality.

A rigorous portfolio management process backed by all the financial, technical, economic etc. recognized expertise of Wafa Gestion

How does it work ?

Wafa Gestion analyzes the macroeconomic environment and the money market, looking for instruments offering an attractive yield.

Wafa Gestion selects securities according to liquidity, credit quality, yield potential and contribution to the overall diversification of the portfolio

Wafa Gestion constructs a portfolio that aims to ensure daily liquidity while seeking to generate a return equivalent to that of the money market.


% 0

Market share


Billion dirhams under management


Net Asset Value

Return and Risk profile

A numerical scale, graduated from 1, for the lowest risk, to 7 for the highest risk, being specified that the lowest risk category (level 1) does not mean "no risk".